Monday, January 28, 2013

She came in a dream....

2 years ago, in the winter, our first boarder arrived. A bay mare, Morgan cross something if I remember correctly. This poor soul had been through extensive abuse in her past and was anxious, scared and untrusting. She could not be ridden safely and had no use for humans aside from feeding time. She had then been acquired by the most appropriate woman for the job of building her back into the confident partner she deserved to be. Through her scars and lumps she was still the most radiant and beautiful creature, truly magnificent.

Funny thing about the universe and timing. Now, I am not into whoo hoo mystical stuff, but I can't help but notice how some things line up and how things can be "known" with no way of knowing?

When this mare, Diamond, came to board at our property our 7 year old son was going through a bout of acute anxiety and was having trouble with even basic daily activities. There was something in this mare that brought him out and she trusted him. He quickly became the one to feed her, brush her and catch her when  I could not. I remember one day she was down in the yard and would not come up with the other horse at feeding time. I could not catch her nor call her in. I sent my son into the yard, she put her head down and followed him closely all the way through the property to her stall, never running ahead to get to the feed.

I think they understood each other. I think they could relate and saw a kindred spirit in each other. Maybe it was the way he never asked too much of her, but was happy to just "be" and live in the moment as kids do. Whatever it was, during the short time she lived here she had a great impact.

Her owner changed her name to Dream, a new name for a new life. Gentle training and solid relationship building began, and last I saw the horse that was to be euthanized at one point in her life was a happy willing trail partner.

My son has again been suffering months of debilitating anxiety.  I was up cleaning the barn yesterday and I just stopped. Frozen with a sudden thought of that mare. I pictured her there and wondered if she would help her boy in his time of need.

Then today I got a message. I had not heard from her owner for some months. All it said was,"do you have a stall available?" I do not, we have since gotten a pony for our daughter and another boarder. 3 stalls -all full. But it nagged at me so I replied to find out for whom. "Dream might be coming home" was the reply.

How strange! I had not thought of her for some time and then yesterday this overwhelming thought, followed by the possibility of her staying with us when we could use her help. Even my husband agreed we could divide the large stall and find a way (now for those with non-horse hubbies, you know this is huge!)

So I leave it. If it is meant to come together for the betterment of my son it will. I hope that he can find peace in horses the way that I do. It is truly a gift we are given.

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